Sony Music beschließt Harvard Urheberrecht Vorlesung ist nicht illegal After All

After tearing down a Harvard Law lecture on music copyright on copyright grounds, Sony Music has now relented.

The takedown happened on YouTube last week, based on the presence of several clips of “Little Wing” to illustrate points on compulsory music licensing. Verfolgungsjagden wurde angenommen, automatisch durch ContentID Identifikationssystem von YouTube entfernt werden, and reinforced criticisms of an overly-blunt enforcement instrument.

As of this morning, die 24 minute lecture has now been restored, with a Digital Music News commenter tipping the news. Die Wiederherstellung von Sony bietet einen soliden Sieg für die Befürworter der fair use doctrine, which carves out specific, non-infringing use cases of copyrighted material.

In diesem Fall, the presence of a number of recording clips of “Little Wing,” originally written and performed by Jimi Hendrix, was deemed non-infringing for the purposes of education. Speziell, Harvard Law professor William Fisher (Bild oben) was using the sequence of clips to illustrate how compulsory licenses enable any performer to cover a composition in the US, subject to certain compensation and rules.

The reinstatement effectively nullifies the chance of any challenge by Harvard, with Fisher undoubtedly considering the juicy, high-profile copyright challenge. Das hätte eine unerwünschte und konkretere Entscheidung über fairen Gebrauch hergestellt, an exception that remains vague in US courts. Stärkere Führung, especially if it clearly defined and broadened usage rules, is unwelcomed by major content owners like Sony.


