最新的专利档案,,en, 决定加强支持联想,摩托罗拉移动单元的由早期的专利法庭的调查结果,,en,专利的情况下发动了针对Gap公司,,en,我们面临的挑战凸显了问题的冲突对新,,en,一个加深,,en,有争议的专利可能意味着更少的钱将被授予库比提诺的美国专利和商标局重新审查在苹果和三星之间的战斗的关键专利之一,,en,它声称,外观设计专利D618677 - 基本上前,,en,而不是,,en,这原本是,,en,穆罕默德Dimyati时间,,id,访问国际专利专利档案,,en - 获得国际专利


三星获得外观设计专利为新注,,en,智能手机和一个可能的“比克斯比,,en,设备与显示器,,en,三星获得外观设计专利为新注,,en,智能手机和一个可能的“比克斯比,,en,设备与显示器,,en’ Smartphone and a Possible ‘Bixby’ Device with a Display

在中美. Patent and Trademark Office officially published two possible key design patents for Samsung today. The first is for a new ‘Note’ smartphone and the second is for a possible Bixby digital assistant device with a display. The timing of both is interesting. Digital…



微软的Surface表 (现在PixelSense) was always a great technology held back by the massive cost of having such a huge high-resolution multi-touch screen. Now Microsoft has applied for a new patent “INTERACTIVE INTEGRATED DISPLAY AND PROCESSING DEVICE” which should make the technology cheaper and…



The digital assistant will sound less like a machine and speak more naturally. A newly discovered Microsoft patent hints that Microsoft is developing more personalized, “human-like” responses for Cortana, so she sounds less generic and speaks to the user directly using personal information. 该专利…



Google’s Project Jacquard began as a fantasy that the search giant’s Advanced Technology and Projects division made reality: gesture-sensing fabrics built into clothing from jeans to jackets. It has developed in baby steps since its unveiling a year ago at the Mountain View, California-based company’s I/O…
