
Much of today’s wearable gadgetry is designed to track activity and movement for fitness purposes. 这里是一个非常陌生的想法, 礼貌 一项新的专利 awarded to Google on Feb. 10: 一个运动跟踪器,激活网络连接的空气清新器发出香味来掩盖造成的体力活动的任何违规的气味.

这是正确的: 它本质上是一种可穿戴 林间空地的PlugIn.

If the device sensed its wearer doing something active—like working out—it would whir into action, wafting more pleasing odors than the body itself might emit.


This proposed device doesn’t seem to have much faith in its own ability to improve the odiferous wearer’s reception, 然而, because it also would offer help for skulking unnoticed past any friend in the vicinity.

It would do this by connecting to the wearer’s social networks and detecting if any friends are nearby. 如果是这样的, the device would send the wearer a map with a route to navigate around those friends.


这项专利最初是摩托罗拉移动的心血结晶, 该申请中的专利 2012, 虽然它只是在本周获得. It’s unlikely that this particular piece of intellectual property was one that Google had its eye on when 它购买了该公司 其专利, 但即使如此,因为它可能: 本发明的未来就掌握在谷歌的手中. (摩托罗拉现在是联想拥有, 但 谷歌保留了大部分 的专利产品组合。)

Quartz has reached out to Google to ask whether the company would ever in a million years actually manufacture a thing like this. We will update this post with any response.

许多专利都永远不会变成产品, 而这一次感觉特别牵强 (也许只有挨打的奖奇怪的耐磨经 索尼的智能假发). And while many patents are filed solely for protective reasons, this innovation seems to solve a problem that few have ever felt the need to solve. (It would be interesting to know whether the patent writers often found themselves in this predicament, 如果这样, 他们是否考虑过而不只是洗澡的标题之外之前。)

It’s strange to imagine that in its last days of independence, 该公司背后的 第一翻盖手机 and one of the 最畅销手机 ever was concerning itself with how we smell in public. 也许这就是为什么摩托罗拉现在是一个 遥远的第四 在美国智能手机市场份额.

