苹果提供一个小路边援助? 检查该专利.


苹果公司可能有你哪天覆盖. á 新颁布的专利 describes technology that would allow a motorist to use his or her portable device — say, 一个iPhone - 来访问的车辆, 使用短距离无线连接,例如蓝牙和一个特殊存取码.

该专利表明,这种设备可能沿着数字键传递到二级小工具, 这可能是用于解锁的车辆. 伴随着周二的专利图显示了另一部手机 (哎, 单台车可以由两个家庭成员可以共享), 虽然即将成为可用的Apple关注可能也是有道理.

的确, 高科技的景点,包括 混搭 reported that the software developers at Eleks Lab have created a version of the 特斯拉 iPhone app that would run on the Apple Watch, allowing users to control basic functions from their wrist — including the ability to lock and unlock the car, turn on its headlights or show where the vehicle is parked.

Apple Watch Tesla App


少数应用程序的存在,让消费者使用他们的智能手机解锁车辆, including ones designed for luxury brands such as Mercedes-Benz or Lexus. It’s a common problem. AAA说,它的路边援助计划回应了一些400万驾驶者谁把自己锁了他们的汽车中 2012, 过去的一年,它 报道此统计.


源: Recode.net