
现代轿车都充满了旋钮和转盘的雷区,以分散司机,因为他们猛冲下来公路. 很多司机都看下来智能手机倍增,GPS设备和音响进一步分心, 仪表盘触摸屏, 并且在后座的儿童. Some nine people are killed in the US each day by distracted drivers, 根据本 美国疾病控制和预防. But this tech idea, 刚刚获得专利的由谷歌, might be a way to keep drivers’ eyes on the road and their hands in control of their cars.


该专利, 授予谷歌上月. 27, 探索的方式,使控制汽车免提. 谷歌设想利用身边有车的内饰点缀多个传感器, which can pick up different hand gestures made by the driver. 这个想法似乎是有关使汽车更直观的控制.

The patent lays out a scenario in which a driver would swipe one hand down near a car window to open the window, and swipe a hand left near an air vent to lower the temperature. 手势将让司机保持至少一只手放在方向盘, 并且不需要从道路望着远处.


Many tech patents are submitted without product plans. Google told Quartz in an email that it holds “patents on a variety of ideas—some of those ideas later mature into real products or services, 有些不. 未来的产品发布,不一定要由我们的专利推断出来的。“

If the company did move forward with this idea, it might actually get some mileage. 例如, Google可以将这项技术整合到自己的产品中,,en,该专利称,其图中的车辆已“配置为以自主模式运行。”是否可以将Google的专利并入Google现有的专利中?,,en,但是该专利的确表示可以通过“计算设备”控制该手势系统。该专利还为将这种创意或多或少地整合到任何移动物体中敞开了大门。,,en,驾驶员在调低空调温度时可能会向前移动座椅,,en,与Google的想法相似,,en,该专利还涉及使用语音命令来控制某些汽车功能,,en,麦克风会以与语音提示基本相同的方式收听语音提示,,en 自驾驶汽车. The patent says the vehicle in its diagrams is “configured to operate in an autonomous mode.” Whether Google’s patent might be incorporated into Google’s existing Android的汽车 设置不明确, but the patent does say that this gesture system could be controlled by a “computing device.” The patent also leaves the door open to incorporating the idea into more or less any moving object, 含, 作为专利说: “一辆卡车, 的, 一半挂车, 摩托车, 高尔夫球车, 越野车, 或农用车。“

一个缺点谷歌的命题不必记住什么行动的所有不同的手势触发. 与上下文刷卡, drivers might move their seats forward when they meant to turn down the air-conditioning, 或者打开暖气时,他们的意思关掉风扇. 这可能会导致更多的干扰比在电台都做不到的预设摆弄.

其他公司也正在对免提驾驶解决方案: 语音命令 (它不工作非常好) 现在许多汽车的标准功能, 和 有一个启动 has a similar idea to Google’s in the works. This patent also covers using voice commands to control certain car functions. Microphones would listen for voice prompts in much the same way as 谷歌现在 适用于Android设备. (目前还不清楚如果司机就不得不说“OK, 谷歌“或”OK, 后期型号本田思域“激活控制。)


源: qz.com