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Samsung Loses Bid for Rehearing in Patent Appeal

三星电子公司. was rebuffed in its request for reconsideration of whether it infringed Apple Inc.’s patented designs for smartphones. 在中美. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington on Thursday denied a petition for a rehearing in the case, which was originally…


苹果责令支付 $533 万人专利侵权

(路透社) – Apple Inc has been ordered to pay $532.9 万美元的得克萨斯州的一个联邦陪审团后发现,它的iTunes软件侵犯了专利授权公司Smartflash LLC拥有的三项专利. 虽然Smartflash一直要求 $852 赔偿万元, Tuesday night’s verdict…
