最新的Google档案,,en,该公司昨天刚刚发布了一项专利,暗示了一个能够在社交游戏中保持相关性的系统,,en,MobiHealthNews报道,,en,聪明的联系,,en,Apple已准备好与竞争对手谷歌和Facebook竞争开发人工智能技术,,id,Emotient被称为一家专注于开发人工智能的创业公司,,id,检测人脸中的情绪或情绪,,id,今天在博客中写道,谷歌现在将提供帮助,,en,Interbrand的独立研究机构刚刚宣布了今年最有价值品牌的年度报告,,id,至于,,id,访问国际专利Google档案,,en - 第3页/共8页 - 获得国际专利

谷歌, Microsoft Resolve Patent Fight Over Phones, Xbox

谷歌公司. 与微软公司. have agreed to end their long-running patent feud over smartphones and video game systems, dropping about 20 lawsuits in the U.S. and Germany. The two companies, which didn’t disclose financial terms, have been litigating over technology innovations for five years….



Samsung Electronics is Leading the Tech Industry in Patent Filing for Autonomous Vehicles

三星电子是一家创新实验室,该公司非常擅长提供能够改善当前生活状态的技术,,en,听说这家韩国出生的巨型公司正在引领科技产业,这并不奇怪,,en,来自旧金山第九巡回上诉法院的三名法官组成的小组维持了一个下级法院,,en,作为不公平的惩罚,,en,德克萨斯州陪审团要求苹果公司在今年早些时候的专利纠纷中支付百万奖金,,en,区法官Rodney Gilstrap在决定陪审团后下令进行新的审判以确定赔偿金,,en. 所以, it is in no way surprising to hear that the South Korea-born megacompany is leading the tech industry…


Microsoft bests Google in patent case appeal

A federal appeals court has handed Microsoft a win against Google in a long-running lawsuit over patent licensing that was originally filed against Motorola in 2010. A panel of three judges from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco upheld a lower court…
