China Bids to Lead World Agency Protecting Intellectual Property

“为什么要由狐狸来管理鸡舍,,en,”一位美国专家说,,en,在所有国家中,,en,中国也许一直是最盗窃知识产权的国家,,en,特别是来自美国,,en,公司-美国的关键问题,,en,唐纳德·特朗普总统与北京的贸易战,,en,北京致力于领导应该保护知识产权的全球组织,,en,并设定了专利国际标准,,en,和版权,,en?” says one American expert.


Of all nations, China has been perhaps the most aggressive in stealing intellectual property, especially from U.S. companies—a key issue in U.S. President Donald Trump’s trade war with Beijing. 现在, Beijing has its sights on leading the global organization that is supposed to protect IP, and which sets international standards for patents, 商标, and copyrights.

本月初,, 中国提名候选人担任联合国世界知识产权组织主席,,en,或WIPO,,en,表示希望更积极地塑造国际定义知识产权制度,,en,鉴于中国长期从事企业间谍活动,,en,猖IP的IP盗窃,,en,对美国的支持,,en,敌人,,en,许多贸易专家都警惕,,en,至少可以说,,en, or WIPO, signaling its desire to more actively shape the international system for defining intellectual property rights.

Given China’s long track record of corporate espionage, rampant IP theft, and support for U.S. enemies, many trade experts are wary, to say the least. 几年前,, 美国甚至反对在中国设立专利局,理由是严格的保护专利申请中商业秘密机密的措施可能会受到中国的侵犯。,,en,根据詹姆斯·普利,,en,WIPO前副总干事,负责该机构的国际专利制度,,en,一位WIPO官员说,该机构无意在该机构位于日内瓦的高安全性办公室之外开设专利局。,,en,根据WIPO规则,,en, according to James Pooley, a former deputy director-general at WIPO who managed the agency’s international patent system. A WIPO official said the agency has no intention of opening a patent office outside the agency’s high-security office in Geneva.

Under WIPO rules, 专利申请对,,en,在批准之前几个月,然后将其公开,,en,“保护申请人的商业秘密是我们所做工作的核心部分,,en,” Pooley说,,en,他成为了WIPO的举报人,,en,“特朗普政府对中国的看法是,这是一个小偷,,en,你为什么要把狐狸交给鸡舍,,en,北京启动推动本土创新的十多年后,,en 18 months before they are approved and then made public.

“Protecting the applicants’ trade secrets was a core part of what we were doing,” said Pooley, who became a WIPO whistleblower in 2014. “The Trump administration’s view of China is that it is a thief. Why would you want to put the fox in charge of the henhouse?“

More than a decade after Beijing launched its drive to boost indigenous innovation, 中国已经成为自身的主要创新者,并且在保护自己的知识产权方面也越来越关注,,en,北京此举的一个原因是,中国现在正在生产自己的大量知识产权,,en,中国几乎没有兴趣在WIPO担任领导职务,,en,但它一直在悄悄加深与代理商的关系,,en,制定国际专利规则,,en,北京启动推动本土创新的运动十多年后,,en, at least.

Ironically, one reason for Beijing’s move is that China is now producing a great deal of IP of its own. 多年来,, China had shown little interest in carving out a leadership role at WIPO. But it has been quietly deepening its relationship with the agency, which sets the rules for international patents, 商标, and copyrights. 今天, more than a decade after Beijing launched its drive to boost indigenous innovation, 中国已经成为自身的主要创新者,并且在保护自己的知识产权方面也越来越关注,,en,北京此举的一个原因是,中国现在正在生产自己的大量知识产权,,en,中国几乎没有兴趣在WIPO担任领导职务,,en,但它一直在悄悄加深与代理商的关系,,en,制定国际专利规则,,en,北京启动推动本土创新的运动十多年后,,en, at least.

中美. 官员们已经与友好国家联系,试图说服北京重新考虑竞标WIPO的最高职位,而是接受该机构的另一名高级管理职位。,,en,根据外交消息,,en,中国官员在日内瓦表示异议,,en,这些官员告诉,,en,对外政策,,en,中国竞标对美国构成挑战,,en,该国一直在遏制中国作为技术超级大国的崛起,同时检查其在联合国不断增长的外交影响力,,en,和其他国际组织,,en, according to diplomatic sources. 到目前为止, Chinese officials in Geneva have demurred, those officials told Foreign Policy.

The Chinese bid poses a challenge for the United States, which has been pushing to contain China’s rise as a technological superpower while checking its growing diplomatic clout at the U.N. and other international organizations. 中国面临着挑战全球知识产权标准的挑战之际,正值北京也正试图改写道路规则以实现更大范围的全球经济发展之际,,en,包括国有企业的作用以及利用国家融资取得其他地缘政治利益,,en,美国一再指控中国违反其基于规则的制度的承诺,该制度确保开放市场并尊重知识产权的神圣性。,,en, including the role of state-owned enterprises and the use of state financing to achieve other geopolitical gains.

The United States has repeatedly charged China with violating its commitment to a rules-based system that ensures open markets and respects the sanctity of intellectual property rights.

一队经济学家和政府专家发现了美国,,en,输了,,en,每年因中国盗窃商业秘密而产生的数十亿美元,,en,仿冒品,,en,和其他不公平的贸易惯例,,en,美国办公室,,en,贸易代表说,,en,在联合国地址,,en,九月份大会,,en,王牌,,en,被告,,en,中国的“大规模盗窃知识产权和商业秘密”。,,en,选举工作正值中国,,en,新兴的,,en,作为人工智能和下一代5G手机技术的领导力量,,en loses 取决于 $50 billion a year from Chinese theft of trade secrets, counterfeiting, and other unfair trade practices, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative says. In an address to the U.N. General Assembly in September, Trump accused China of the “theft of intellectual property and also trade secrets on a grand scale.”

The election effort comes as China is emerging as a leading force in artificial intelligence and next-generation 5G mobile phone technology, 作为世界上最多产的专利申请者,,en,占比近一半,,en,拥有百万项全球专利,,en,WIPO数字,,en,在十月,,en,相比下,,en,刚提交的公司,,en,应用领域,,en,虽然他们提交了,,en,更多,,en,去年在国外的专利数量为23万,比中国或其他任何国家都大,,en,备受争议的中国电信公司华为引领潮流,,en,申请,,en,比其他任何公司都多,,en,阅读更多。,,en,,,en,中国竞标领导世界知识产权保护局,,en, accounting for nearly half of the more than 3.3 million global patents in 2018, 根据 WIPO figures in October. In comparison, 中美. companies filed just under 600,000 applications, though they did file more patents—230,000—in foreign countries last year than China or any other country. The controversial Chinese telecommunications company Huawei led the way, 备案 applications for 5,405 专利 2018, more than any other company. Read more..


