Video Game Maker Sparks Outrage With Trademark of ‘Cyberpunk’

Video game fans have been anticipating the latest franchise from CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077, for years. But only recently did it come to light that the makers of The Witcher franchise had trademarked the term “Cyberpunk” and this week some fans cried foul. 现在, 开发商坚持要一切正常,他们永远不会利用手中的权力作恶,,en,Gamespot的,,en,指出,,en,互联网评论家担心CD Projekt的红可能成为某种邪恶公司的变化,往往充当庞克小说拮抗剂一些成员,,en,毕竟,,en,赛博朋克是科幻小说的一个流派,可​​追溯到几十年来与数百个作品以它的名义下降,,en.

Gamespot points out, some members of the internet commentariat fear that CD Projekt Red might become some sort of variation of the evil corporations that often serve as the antagonist in cyberpunk fiction. Afterall, cyberpunk is a genre of science fiction that goes back decades with hundreds of works falling under its umbrella. 商标注册朋克是喜欢自称的所有权“的浪漫喜剧。”将小创作者由资金雄厚的公司的律师被粉碎分钟他们蘸脚尖成流派,,en,甚至不是一个完全原物业,,en,它是基于从笔和纸的游戏,,en,叫,,en,CD Projekt的红色引起了球迷们的后顾之忧字和发布官方声明,,en,在Twitter上,,en,“我们要保护我们的辛勤工作,我们不使用商标策划进攻,它只是一种自卫措施,,en,”该声明全文,,en? 更重要的是, Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t even an entirely original property, it’s based on a pen-and-paper game from 1990 called Cyberpunk 2020.

CD Projekt Red caught word of the fans’ worries and released an official statement on Twitter. “We want to protect our hard work and we don’t plan on using the trademark offensively—it’s a self-defence measure only,” the statement reads. 它接着解释说,商标主要是保护其自己使用这个名字的情况下,,,en,如果想创建一个名为续集,,en,那就需要法律权威,以防止有人从第一抓起那个名字,,en,它还声称,一些商标实际上都来自R收购,,en,Talsorian游戏,,en,原游戏的发行商是,,en,是基于,,en,有人已经拥有的名称反正它从来就不是一个问题,,en. 例如, if it wanted to make a sequel called Cyberpunk 2078 it would need the legal authority to prevent someone from snatching up that name first. It also claims that some of the trademarks were actually acquired from R. Talsorian Games, the publisher of the original game that Cyberpunk 2077 is based on. 所以, someone already owned the name anyway and it was never a problem.

该公司继续澄清,商标只会在情况下被强制执行,可能造成消费者的混淆,,en,“如果有人的名字他们的游戏,,en,“约翰·史密斯,,fr,冒险坐落在一个朋克反乌托邦社会”或'20短视频游戏设置在赛博朋克世界,,en,”没有人应该被视为侵犯了我们的权利。,,en,”该公司写道:,,en,这是一个有点讽刺的是,这是如此专注于信息的自由流动的类型名称,,en. “If someone names their game: ‘John Smith: Adventures Set in a Cyberpunk Dystopian Society’ or ‘20 Short Video Games Set in Cyberpunk Worlds,’ none of them should be treated as an infringement of our rights,” the company writes.

It’s a little bit ironic that the name of a genre that’s so focused on the free flow of information, 拒绝所有权的,从来没有信任的公司,现在是坚持一个公司的受法律保护的商标。,,en,“相信我们。”但是,CD Projekt的红色已建立了在视频游戏世界,最有可能没有什么令人震惊的很多善意的都不会来的了这一点,,en,商标曳不如高调的专利曳,通常不会成为一个巨大的问题,,en,在B2隐形轰炸机的制造商,,en,诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司,,en,支付,,en,雄鹿,,en, “trust us.” But CD Projekt Red has built up a lot of goodwill in the video game world and most likely nothing egregious will ever come out of this.

Trademark trolling isn’t as high profile as patent trolling and doesn’t usually become a huge problem. 在 2001, the makers of the B2 stealth bomber, Northrop Grumman, paid 10 bucks 解决西装与商标术语的拥有者“隐身”。在另一方面,,en,天空电视已成功,,en,微软欺负,,en,改变其云存储服务SkyDrive中的名称,,en,天空电视台也花了三年时间在作战开放世界视频游戏无主之天空的制造商,,en, Sky TV has successfully bullied Microsoft to change the name of its cloud storage service SkyDrive. Sky TV also spent three years battling the makers of the open world video game No Man’s Sky. The game makers eventually settled for an undisclosed sum.


