
Omnibus Law Dianggap Cederai Sejarah Paten

Pasal yang bakal dihapus adalah ruh dari UU Paten.   RUU Cipta Kerja bakal berimbas pada banyak aspek, bukan hanya perizinan dan ketenagakerjaan, 还要规范知识产权,,id,对知识产权的影响尚未广为人知,,id,即使当前的草案被强制执行,,id,影响很大,,id,例如参见删除条款,,id,单位,,so,关于专利,,id,专利法规定,专利持有人必须在印度尼西亚生产产品或使用工艺,,id,制造产品或使用过程必须支持技术转让,,id,吸收投资和/或提供就业,,id,《著作权法案》明确提及该条,,id,专利法废除,,ms. Dampak terhadap kekayaan intelektual belum banyak dilihat, padahal jika draf yang ada sekarang diberlakukan, imbasnya sangat besar….




微软的Surface表 (现在PixelSense) was always a great technology held back by the massive cost of having such a huge high-resolution multi-touch screen. Now Microsoft has applied for a new patent “INTERACTIVE INTEGRATED DISPLAY AND PROCESSING DEVICE” which should make the technology cheaper and…



The digital assistant will sound less like a machine and speak more naturally. A newly discovered Microsoft patent hints that Microsoft is developing more personalized, “human-like” responses for Cortana, so she sounds less generic and speaks to the user directly using personal information. 该专利…



Google’s Project Jacquard began as a fantasy that the search giant’s Advanced Technology and Projects division made reality: gesture-sensing fabrics built into clothing from jeans to jackets. It has developed in baby steps since its unveiling a year ago at the Mountain View, California-based company’s I/O…
