
Verizon和谷歌周二 公布 a global patent cross-licensing agreement that will cover a broad range of technologies. 该公司称,这将降低轻佻的专利诉讼在未来的风险.

“[牛逼]he Johnny-come-lately owner of a single patent can threaten an entire innovative ecosystem,” Verizon wrote in a blog post describing the deal. The post also states that the arrangement will reduce the number of potential patents available to so-called patent trolls.

该交易反映3较早的,谷歌签署 与思科, 三星和LG在今年年初. 对于谷歌, the goal of such deals is to show that cross-licensing is a better model than “patent privateering,” in which companies farm out patents to shell companies that then threaten to sue a broad range of targets.

专利权滥用一直是近年来一直存在的问题, in part due to the millions of low-quality patents flooding the system, and due to economic asymmetries in the litigation process that favor patent plaintiffs over defendants. 最终结果常常是,公司只是为使可疑专利案件消失而付出代价,而不是承担与之抗衡的费用。,,en,并呼吁国会通过专利改革,,en,去年春季,一项名为《创新法》的改革法案在国会得到了两党的支持,,en,在参议院民主党人的手中,,en,新国会,,en,访问国际专利Google与Verizon签署专利协议并要求对巨魔采取行动,,en.

Verizon的博客文章还指出,交叉许可可以保护自己不受“创新税是专利钓饵经常收集,“但他补充说,这些措施是不够的, and called on Congress to pass patent reform.

While a reform bill called the Innovation Act enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress last spring, 它最终 失败 at the hands of Senate Democrats. The new Congress, 将由共和党人控制, 有望重新启动的措施 2015.

