Latest in Mei 2016 - Paten Access International


After $625M Win in Apple Trial, Patent Firm Moves to Shut Down FaceTime

A company that persuaded a Texas jury to award $625 juta terhadap Apple untuk pelanggaran paten meminta lebih banyak,,en,Apple akhirnya dan secara resmi bereaksi terhadap upaya Samsung untuk membawa tarik ulur perang antara kedua perusahaan ke Mahkamah Agung AS,,en,Cupertino mencoba untuk mencegah pengadilan agar tidak memberikan kasus Samsung,,en. It asked a judge on Wednesday to order Apple to shut down its popular FaceTime and iMessage features while the case goes to appeal. If…

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Indomie Masuk 10 Merek Terbesar Di Dunia,id

JAKARTA – Produk Indomie ternyata tidak hanya populer di Indonesia. Mi instan produksi PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (establishement) tersebut termasuk dalam 10 merek paling sering dipilih konsumen dunia. Footprints merek 2015, penelitian Kantar Worldpanel soal preferensi merek konsumen di seluruh dunia, menempatkan Indomie di…

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Huawei sues Samsung over patents

Huawei is suing its tech rival Samsung over claims that its patents have been infringed. The Chinese firm said it was pursuing its South Korean rival in two courts – one in California, the other in Shenzhen. According to Huawei, several of its cellular communications…

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Airbus File Paten untuk Helikopter super Speedy

Airbus has filed a patent for what could be a super speedy helicopter that employs a unique design that includes some elements found of fixed-wing airplanes. “Penemuan ini berhubungan dengan sebuah helikopter senyawa yang terdiri pesawat a, at least one engine and a main rotor driven

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