Google Granted Patent for Device That Uploads Memories Into Searchable Database

Pretty soon, the human capability to forget will be a thing of the past. The US Patent and Trademark Office has granted Google Inc. the patent for a device that will capture and store every second of every day for the rest of your life. Selamat datang di masa depan.

The human brain is a massive storage system that can carry an infinite numbers of information and data, but it does have the capacity to only remember the most significant details and events. But this Google patent will soon change that.

Every content is switching to the digital platform, and pretty soon, our memory could be jumping from our heads to the computer. Google Inc. is planning to make a digital database of every memory a person has with a help of a wearable device that records special moments on video and store them in a searchable memory bank.

This, as you might have guessed, will be incorporated to Google Glass, the head-mounted computing device that earlier this year met its end only to be reborn a couple of months after. The second reiteration will soon be making its debut if the rumours are right.

Wired Magazine explains that the patent discusses a pre-programmed commands that is triggered when something important happens. The camera will start to record the exact moment the device senses something significant is taking place.

The device will then upload this content to a digital database in which, when needed, users can search and playback. Slate Magazine compares this to an episode of the sci-fi thriller series “Hitam Cermin” in which the story revolves around a device that is implanted in the brain and remembers every single event that took place in a person’s lifetime.

Google imagines this device will be useful for the security industry to remember every single detail and every face present in the setting when a crime is committed.

Normal users will have a high time experiencing a significant memory while it happens and at the same time recording it without whipping out their smartphones (or worse, their tablets) to capture the moment and revisit it over and over again.


